Choosing and Using a Pen Name: A Guide to Pseudonyms
Jan 30, 2025
A pen name can be an essential part of an author's identity. From George Eliot to Mark Twain, many famous authors have used pseudonyms. But how do you know when to use one? In this post, we'll explore what a pen name is and how to decide if you need one, along with tips on choosing the perfect pen name for you.
What is a pen name?
A pen name–also known as a nom de plume or pseudonym–is a fictitious name under which an author publishes their work instead of, or in addition to, their real name. This alternative identity can be anything—an entirely new creation or closely resembling the author's legal name. There are a few different reasons an author might choose to use a pen name. Remember that any writer can use a pseudonym, not just bestselling authors!
How do you decide if you should use a pen name?
Deciding to use a pen name is personal, and there's no right or wrong answer. Still, there are a few questions you can ask yourself to determine whether you should write and publish under a pen name.
Is your name already associated with another person?
Your author name is your most significant form of branding, so it should be easily accessible to your readers. This means you’ll want a name that's easy to say, spell, and remember.
No one wants to be mistaken for someone else, especially if the other person is already well-known in your field or a different field–such as a famous author, singer, or actor. If you have the same name as another author, even if they’re not well known, this can confuse readers when searching for your work online. Using a pen name allows you to create a unique brand that is separate from any other person and can help you stand out and establish your individuality.
When choosing a pen name, consider how it might affect your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) ranking. For example, if you have a common name like John Smith, there may be hundreds of pages and sites with the name “John Smith” that could come up before your site is ever seen. Make sure that the social media handles for your pen name are also available. Having a consistent presence with the exact spelling of your pen name across different platforms can help you gain higher SEO rankings, as readers will find you more easily.
Are you writing in a different genre than what you're known for?
If you've established yourself as an author in one genre but want to explore another, writing under a different name can help you do that without confusing or alienating your existing readers. Famous writers like Stephen King (aka Richard Bachman) and J.K. Rowling (aka Robert Galbraith) have used pen names to explore new genres without influencing readers’ expectations. A pen name can be an effective way to separate your writing styles or genres and attract new readers without losing your established readers.
Do you want to protect your privacy?
Privacy concerns are one of the biggest reasons to use a pen name, as it allows you to keep your personal life separate from your professional one. Although it can be challenging to remain completely anonymous, a pen name can help protect you from fans (or critics) going too far on social media and being able to find you online or in the real world. If you're writing a memoir or biography, you may want to protect the privacy of your family or friends. Using a pen name can give you more freedom to tell your story without risking any important relationships.
Tips for choosing a pen name
Brainstorm a list of pen names
Start by brainstorming and listing as many pen names as you can. There are several ways you can come up with a pen name when brainstorming. You can:
Use your initials: many authors use the initials of their first and middle name along with their last name to create their pen names, such as C.S. Lewis or N.K. Jemisin. If you don’t have a middle name, you can always borrow one from someone in your family or someone you admire.
Use your middle name: the well-known, classic children’s author Dr. Seuss has used this method for his pen name. Seuss is the middle name for Theodor Seuss Geisel. He added “Dr.” before his name because his father wanted him to pursue a career in medicine.
Use names in your family tree: In order to explore different genres, Agatha Christie used the pen name Mary Westmacott–a combination of her middle name and the family name of distant relatives.
Use a variation of your name or family’s name: some people may not realize this, but Maya Angelou is a pen name for Marguerite Annie Johnson. Maya was her childhood nickname, and Angelou is a variation of her ex-husband’s name, Tosh Angelos.
Use your name in another language: to come up with the pen name Lewis Carroll, Charles Lutwidge Dodgson took his first two names and translated them into Ecclesiastical Latin, which gave him “Carolus Ludovicus.” He then switched the order of the name and loosely translated it back to English, giving him “Lewis Carroll.”
Use your genre as inspiration: your pen name can tie into or hint at your genre. If you’re a contemporary romance author, a name like Carolyn Lovely could work great! Or L.J. Shadows if you want to write horror or supernatural stories.
Use your ideal reader as inspiration: if you’re writing for children and young readers, then consider names that would allow you to create a fun persona for kids. Lemony Snicket is the pen name for Daniel Handler, who wrote the best-selling children’s series, A Series of Unfortunate Events. Handler has done interviews introducing himself as Snicket’s “representative” and has developed an amusing persona around his author pen name.
Don’t be afraid to mix a few of these methods together to come up with something truly unique!
The next step is to take your list of potential names and check that your chosen names are available across different platforms like blogs, websites, and social media handles, as this will make it easier for readers to find you online. You can use sites like to check domains and social media availability all in one search.
Search the web with your name and see what comes up. Note if there’s any competition for the name, such as websites, blogs, famous or semi-famous people, or any news articles that include the name. Avoid names that are already well known for something else, such as Calvin Klein. Remember, the goal is to create a pen name that will rank #1 on search engines, and you don’t want to be competing with another author, company, or brand, especially ones where you might violate copyright or trademark laws by using the name.
Select a pen name and use it consistently
Review the research you did on your shortlist and select the one available across platforms that feels best to you. If you still can’t decide, consider getting feedback from family, friends, or other writers or editors. Once you’ve selected a name, register the domain name and social media accounts. Also, if you’re starting out and only plan to use 1 or 2 social media platforms in the beginning, but you know you want to add other platforms later on, then it’s best to register for those platforms in the beginning as well. You don’t have to be active on them, but by registering for those accounts, you won’t have to worry about your name not being available later on.
Ready to choose a pseudonym?
While using a pen name can be helpful in certain circumstances, it's ultimately a personal decision. Once you’ve decided whether to use a pen name, use the tips above to choose a name you'll be happy with for a long time. The tips in this post were taken from the Secrets to Self-Publishing Success course. Check out the course in the Writing Mastery Academy to learn more!