Tips & strategies for every stage of your writing journey
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Have you ever hit a point when it feels like every word you’ve put on the page is terrible? Your characters feel thin, your plot feels pointless, or the scene you’re on just...
Everyone knows it’s important to start a story with a hook that engages readers, but it’s equally important how you end your story. You want readers to walk away feeling...
A blinking cursor and a blank, white page. You've been staring at it for the past hour, wracking your brain for the words to write, but nothing comes out. Then the fear kicks in as you soon...
Are you thinking about writing a memoir, but you aren’t sure where to start or what to include? Maybe you’re wondering how to start writing a memoir that someone other than your...
You’ve spent months drafting your manuscript, revising, and preparing your query letter. You’re ready to land an agent! But when you finally receive a response, your heart...
Their methods are questionable, and their moral compass doesn’t always point north, so what makes an antihero worth rooting for? In this post, we’ll look at what makes a character...
When structuring your novel, should you break up the story into scenes or chapters? Is there a difference?
In this post, we’ll talk about the differences between scenes and...
Dystopian fiction is a form of speculative fiction that imagines a frightening vision of the future in cataclysmic decline. It presents an end-of-the-world, gloom-and-doom scenario. Dystopia is...
10x Your Daily Word Count with The Productive Writer's Playbook
A step-by-step guide to creating a writing routine that works!
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